What my gorgeous clients are saying….

Leanne is amazing helped me a little while ago emotional and physically such a kind person and amazing to work with 🥰🥰

Jordan Fletcher

I love Leanne! Such an inspirational and motivational lady. She’s always seeking to better herself for her clients, taking new courses and widening her skills. I’ve known her for about 10 years, and her wealth of knowledge is amazing! I’d totally recommend her

Sammantha Selby

The Full Package

Leanne is everything you want from a PT. She’s a true credit to the profession, knowledgeable yet approachable she coaches you with wit and humour. I love her style and she really is the full package. -Not only do you get workouts and fitness fun, but nutrition advice, meals plans, check ins, the fantastic app and of course the online Academy.
If you want to train, change your habits, reach your goals and have fun doing it, I highly recommend choosing Leanne to get you there 💙
Sarah Smith

The Academy Gave Me My Mojo Back

Lockdown could have gone either way for me but I used it as fuel thanks to your Academy giving me my mojo back.  I’m lighter and stronger than I have been in years!!  Because of the confidence I am showing more of me in my business which is awesome!

I have so many excuses, autoimmune, shielding, working 12 hr days, but you taught me I can always do my best, even when that doesn’t always look like I would like

Emma Monroe

The Push You Need

Leanne helped me immensely, to loose that extra chub I was carrying, even tho I can be lazy but she kicked me into touch,
Would 100% recommend.x
Jenny Smith

60kg PB Squat!

Can I just say that I am absolutely loving this! I feel so positive and upbeat now, not just about health and fitness but everything! To top it off I’ve only gone and set a 60kg PB squat!

Elisa Mullen

Had a really great motivational session. It was a lovely group, learnt a lot and had lots of smiles. Would definitely recommend the workshop

Livi Parkins

My Whole Life Has Changed For The Better

I went to Leanne when I was not feeling or doing my best. 6 months on and she’s helped me to achieve more than I could have imagined and my physical and mental health have improved so so much. Leanne is really friendly, flexible, understanding and motivating and she’s actually changed my whole life for the better!

Victoria Allanson

Body Appreciation

Hi there 12 months ago I met Leanne in a new group in New Brighton She is bright bubbly and very positive I was drawn to her and went to meet up at her gym I was with her many months and have grown to be proud of my body I understand it’s strengths and weakness I walk across our beach in a swim suit with my head held high I had hypnotherapy, gym sessions and a lot of mentoring Go and see her she is great x x

Jenny Doyle

Fun Sessions in a Private Space

I went to Leanne wanting to lose weight and I really liked the fact that this is a private gym and you’re sessions are on a 1 to 1 basis. Leanne is extremely knowledgeable and knows how to get the best out of you, hit your goals and you can also have a good laugh with her which makes your sessions all that more enjoyable. This place is a little gem and I can’t rate it enough.

Ruth Roberts

A Positive Influence To Have Around

Leanne makes it fun! Its not gruelling and boring, we laugh so much that our time flies by and I don’t want to leave. She is just a very positive influence to have around

Caroline Jones

Invaluable Advice

How do I get fit, lose weight and eat better? Thats the question I asked myself more often than I care to admit.
Leannes’ tailored programs, help and advice has proven invaluable, helping rid myself of excess weight and get fitter.
I’ve just completed the 14DKS program which was difficult to begin with. It makes you think about food and nutrition differently, ditch the same old boring food and mix things up and try something new! At the end I felt amazing, full of energy and more awake than I’ve been for a long time.
Cant recommend joining up enough!!
Phil Roberts

Wedding Fit

Leanne is friendly and a great personal trainer! She gave me good advice for how to get fit for my wedding!

Vicky Reid

Life Changing

Hypnotherapy really helped me with several issues that were holding me back. Although I’d tried to process them and work them out, nothing really helped.  It really is such a great tool for change! I also had a particularly stubborn trauma bound that we worked on and I can genuinely say, the changes that specific session brought about have been life changing

Alex Overend

The Whole Family Is Healthier

I didn’t have the knowledge to work my broken body with multiple disabilities back to fighting fit, but you did. You line them up and I’ll knock them down and as for the new course I’m already so impressed with the content, it’ll take my knowledge base to the next level. You’ve taught me how to get my head and body all on the same path and my husband and kids are all feeling the impact too, they’re fitter and healthier.

Emma Craig

Motivational and Inspirational

Leanne is unbelievably motivational and inspirational! She genuinely rejoices in your progress/success and that bolsters enthusiasm and determination no end.  I feel undeniably uplifted and positive after every session

Jenna Mitchell

Leanne is a lovely woman and a great PT. I enjoyed great success and all the while she pushed me to achieve. She has a vast knowledge of nutrition and fitness and was able to help me, even with my health conditions. Highly recommended

Christy Millar

100% At Ease

I feel 100% at ease with Leanne, the sessions seem to go so quickly and Leanne makes you feel so relaxed


Within A Year I Hit My Personal Goals

I worked with Leanne a few years back. She created a personalised a diet and workout plan for me to follow. Within a year, I felt healthier within myself, my diet was so much better and my body had never looked better. I hit my weight goals but also my personal goal of being able to hike to the top of a mountain I was visiting. I couldn’t of done this without Leanne. I miss hearing her shout at me during our gym sessions, all shouts of encouragement of course 😂 I 100% recommend Leanne and Neon Life Academy.

Danielle Promwong-Jones

Can’t Wait For The Next Workshop

Went along to Leanne’s Kick Start to Weight Lifting. Leanne was very friendly and engaging. She simplified the moves that get the muscles engaged into action, and made me realise my mistakes that I have made in the past, but also highlighted the positives of what I’ve achieved. I feel motivated and positive that I my age I can get into lifting and it’s not too late. Thank you Leanne, can’t wait for the next workshop 🏋️‍♂️😊
Sonia Keating

Behind You In Your Goals 100%

I have worked on and off with Leanne for a few years now and even the times were not training together she always has time to speak and check up on how I’m doing . Any goals we have set when working together I’ve smashed them with her behind me 100%. And when I’m struggling she’s always there for me and anyone around her. Working with Leanne is not just about telling you what to do, she’s there to guide you and work you at your own abilities.x

Jenny Smith

A Great PT And Coach

Leanne is more than a Great PT and Coach.  Lots of life experience as well as well as a fitness and nutrition expert, so she understands clients as people not just as bodies to be trained.
Colin Ashley

Miracle Worker

Leanne has worked miracles with her hypnotherapy. She’s really helped with my motivation to exercise which I thought would never ever get better! I noticed a difference even after my first session with her, and since then have found it much easier to get some exercise every day. I’m really grateful for her help and would recommend her to anyone.
Hannah Charman

Better Than Lean In 15

Since starting the programme last Friday i have lost 4lb already on the food side alone. the recipes are easy to follow and better than the lean in 15 books. first PT Session today was great and cant wait to see the results in the coming weeks. leanne is lovely and made us feel at ease and worked us till we dripped loved it 👌👌💪

Sharon Fitzgerald

Busy Mum of Two

Leanne is friendly, supportive & so knowledgeable. As a busy working mum of 2 young children I was stuck in a rut of poor eating habits and hadn’t set foot near a gym for over 8 years! Leanne really listens to what I want from the sessions. I really enjoy the sessions. Leanne has motivated & inspired me. The nutritional advice has been so helpful & I’ve really seen noticeable improvement to my psoriasis through making better choices. Leanne has really helped me on the right track with my fitness and health goals. Highly recommend.

Lyndsey Moore

Agoraphobia Solved

After nearly 1 year + of extreme panic attacks, barely leaving the house & not even making it down the road without panic attack. I decided to listen to my friends advice after hearing some amazing reviews & booked with Leanne last October. At first I didn’t even think it would touch the surface, but how wrong was I. I noticed after the first session that was able to go a little bit further, now 12 sessions in and I get upset when I can’t go out 🤣 I finally feel like me again, I can walk further. This time last year I couldn’t even go into my local supermarket without the panic attacks starting fast forward to now and I’m now skipping down aisle with the trolley. that’s all thanks to Leanne and her amazing service. I remember how amazed I was about how this actually worked, I remember going for my exposure therapy walk after a first few of our sessions and I felt like an anxiety attack was coming on but my brain automatically switched to what Leanne said in our previous hypnosis session and I was able to switch out of it. It’s like magic, I truly believe that this woman is the magic to our brains ✨. Without her, I wouldn’t be where I am today. I remember crying with happy tears when I realised the anxiety was “on holiday” (hypno talk). I’m truly grateful for everything. 🤍

Anonymous from Brighton

The Online Training is Brilliant

I did some online training with Leanne and it was brilliant. The exercise plans were challenging but really enjoyable and I could feel a difference in just a week. Leanne is very knowledgeable and lovely to work with I would highly recommend

Heather Battison Howard

Finally On The Right Path

Leanne has been really supportive throughout the process so far. I have mad some major realisations about myself and my habits in the last dew weeks that I truly think will change my outlook for good. I just wouldn’t have got here without Leanne.  She is so patient and really listens to what I need, asking the right questions at the right time.  I’ve been trying unsuccessfully for years to change my mindset and nothing has worked, but I really feel that I’m finally on the right path with Leanne

Debbie King

Fitter, Healthier And More Confident

Leanne is an amazing personal trainer who really supports people and motivates them to make the changes to their lifestyle through individually tailored support. She is dedicated to helping people achieve their goals through diet and fitness and is always available when you have questions or need some extra help. Working with Leanne has not only helped me to improve my physical health and fitness it has helped me become more confident and improve my psychological wellbeing through the positive approach that Leanne uses to support clients

Rebecca Matilda

A Unique Way to Train

I have a long term illness Leanne was so knowledgeable, I was struggling with my joints, struggling to sleep, be organised, eating properly. Instead of cancelling my session Leanne suggested a hypnotherapy session. The results were amazing I had the best nights sleep after my first session! Whenever my body was playing up we had a hypno session instead, this helped so much and it felt like I was still making progress, and helped me to keep focus and not give up! This is a unique way to train, a lot of PTs are missing a trick here 🥰💗x

Nicci Lewis

Such an upbeat person, always inspiring and pushing me to be my best. A great energy to be around, would definitely recommend having Leanne in your life! X

Jenny Fryer

A New Healthy Lifestyle Adapted

Leanne is an excellent PT not only being knowledgeable in exercise but mental health too. The training she provides pushed me to adapt a more healthy lifestyle – not only just the 1-1 sessions at the gym but also lifestyle habits to work through at home. Leanne is friendly, enthusiastic and I can’t recommend her enough!

Katie Leyland

Laughter Is Key With Leanne

Leanne listens to you properly; she helps you address your issues in a positive way. Leanne also pushes you to ensure you reach your goal. She can be a tough task master, but her approach is fun rather than being a bully. Whenever I struggled to do a certain exercise, she never made me feel inadequate, but would tease me and make me laugh. Laughter is key with Leanne and also trust. I’d highly recommend Leanne as a trainer, especially if you’re new to it like I was; the support was phenomenal and I made fantastic progress. Thanks Leanne.

Emma Louise Moores

Back To Feeling Myself

After months of feeling tired and and dragging myself out of bed after a week program with Leanne I am back to myself again and up and out of the house at 6am again walking our lovely beaches to kickstart my day.  I can’t believe how in a short space of time I feel like myself again. It’s only been a week

Sharon Fitzgerald

Leanne is a brilliant coach and fabulous human being. She offers loads of support in her free group as well as online and in person training.

Gemma Droughton

My Illness Nor My Weight Defines Me

Honestly thank you!! Not only are you one of my best friends now which is obv the best bit, but you’ve helped me sooooo much! I could’ve take my illness and used it as an excuse but you have kept me going and taught me its a condition and it doesn’t define me. Neither does my weight. Plus now I have a healthy relationship with food and exercise.  Best mate and best PT/Coach going!

Stacey Chesterton

The Only Thing That Lasted

If there is a diet or quick fix, I’ve tried it,  The only time my weight hasn’t shot back up is when I started with you.  I now know what to eat and enjoy all my faves without thinking I need to run miles to earn it.

Jodie Minshull

IVF Success!

Everything has changed. My attitude to food has changed. I’ve tried new foods that I wouldn’t have before. I move more, I’m kinder to myself. more confident in myself, and I’ve dealt with things from my past that I once refused to acknowledge and the biggest change is I feel all these things put together has helped us get pregnant, naturally, with no help from IVF

Ruth Roberts

Moving On From Redundancy

I was struggling with grief about my career, finding it hard to move on after redundancy. Leanne did a session with me to help me cut ties from my old career. The experience was emotional but ultimately freeing. She was confident in her approach and that helped me to find the courage to let go. After the session I felt like a huge weight had been lifted! Now I feel like my old career is behind me and I’ve moved on.

Sarah Michelle Fish

A Tough Task Master And A Great Motivator

What can I say about Leanne !!! Can’t praise her enough she has really helped me turn the corner since joining her team. Why ? You may ask !!! Well after suffering a bad hamstring injury through doing spin classes. I lost all interest in the gym. It has taken me 6 months to get over the injury. Although I’ve known leanne since March this year when I had a brief spell with her before my injury. I bumped into her again and we had a brief chat and guess what !! What ? Leanne has given me my motivation back to get fitter than I was before. She is always there for you at the end of the phone no matter what your problem is as regards my programme. She is very knowledgeable and a tough taskmaster and a great motivater can’t recommend her enough. xx

Jim Mckeown

All The Tools To Be The Best Version Of Myself

Leanne is unbelievably knowledgeable about all things health both physical and mental. She has helped me see exercise and movement as not something to earn food but something to enjoy. She put me on the path to success and gave me the tools I needed to be the best version of myself. Her goal is to get you to a place where you are happy wherever that may be and she is definitely successful in getting me to that goal.

Stacey Knifton

Fitter, Stronger And Mentally More Prepared For The Day.

Coming with a complicated medical history, disabilities and numerous food allergies or intolerances as well as IBS I wasn’t sure I’d be able to get what I wanted from a PT. How wrong I was. I love the online sessions and app based workouts, they suit me and my family and work commitments. No matter what I’ve throw at Leanne she’s provided a comprehensive programme that has delivered results, 5 months in and 50lb down. I’m fitter and stronger than I’ve ever been and mental mote prepared for the day.

Emma Craig

Ditch The Diets For Good

I’ve done a few different diets over the years, but working with Leanne changed my mind completely. Diets keep you fat! Having a tailored approach to your eating habits really works! I lost a stone and have managed to stay the same weight ever since, because Leanne has taught me what my body needs to remain where I want to be. If you want an end to dieting for good, get in contact with Neon Life Academy!

Sarah Fish

No Other PT I Would Rather Have

Absolutely love training with Leanne. She is very knowledgeable and very professional. Leanne is caring and is always determined to make sure you reach your goals! Thanks for all the tips and guidance. Couldn’t think of anyone else I’d rather have as a PT!! Xx

Geena Badwal

Super Chill Fun Environment

Super chill atmosphere, all the equipment you could ever need and really fun enviroment. Started working with Leanne to achieve my goals of getting generally healthier and stronger, still a work in progress and Leanne has helped this progress.

Phil Roberts

Healing From Inside Out

The Doctor phoned me today and my bloods are the best they have been in 18months.  Road to recovery, healing myself from the inside. She said whatever I am doing to keep it up!

Nicola Fitzgerald

Finally, A Promotion

Do you know what I love about you. Your bloody subtle. I’ve been working away at my body and I feel you’ve been working away at my head.  Loads of people have said I am much more confident and I never thought I had a problem with confidence. That being said I cant big myself up so being doing lots of self assertiveness lots of telling myself Im amazing and accepting compliments and guess what I just achieved a promotion. 9 years there and nothing 10 months with youand a new job

Emma Craig

Leanne is such a lovely person to work with. I was skeptical of starting a new personal training regime as I’m very unfit and have several major health conditions but she put me at ease and understands my limits.  She’s flexible with appointments, can alter set plans after injury and the app is easy to use.  She’s also hilarious which helps me immensely in feeling relaxed. Thanks Leanne

Christy Millar

Amazing 10 out of 10 highly recommended!

Pete Robbo

Help and Support for Hypnotherapy Clients

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